Since 2023, we have worked to help foster children and families. These children are today’s future.

Our Mission

Behind the facade of the “picket white fence,” there’s a hidden reality many don’t experience. Countless children and families grapple with the complexities of the foster care system. These children, often lost amidst the shuffle, may lack basic necessities, from clothing to life skills, underscoring the profound effects of life beyond the ideal.

Being in the foster system myself, the scars from those experiences still mark my soul, shaping my journey to healing. This is the driving force behind my non-profit, a beacon for those who’ve faced similar darkness, offering hope, support, and a path forward.

Being in foster care is a confusing and difficult time for children and families. Moving frequently and not having a lot of resources other than those offered by the state, it’s easy to lose items or not have the nicest of things available. Our mission is to provide new or gently used clothing or items to children within the foster system or families that have taken foster children in and to provide these resources to children who are “at-risk” of being unnecessarily placed in the foster system. We strive to provide life skill workshops to help children within the system grow their knowledge as it’s a struggle being on your own without proper support. Everyone needs a village and a helping hand.

Our mission is to be a main resource that foster and “at-risk” children and families can rely on for anything they may need. Please feel free to contact us at any time with suggestions on how we can better serve this population.

“There are over 391,000 children in foster care within the United States.”

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Children's Bureau, 2022